Innovations in the fruit and small fruit crops planting trees growing and certification
UDC 006.063:634.1(037):634.7
Innovations in the fruit and small fruit crops planting trees growing and certification / Grynyk I.V., Kondratenko P.V. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2016. – 71. – P. 8-13. – Refs.: 4. – in Ukrainian.
The authors have revealed the main reasons of decreasing the manufacturing and quality of the fruit and small fruit crops planting stock and shown the ways of solving those problems in the countries with the developed horticulture. The major approaches to the planting trees sanitation from harmful organisms have been presented as well as the modern methods of the planting stock propagation. The necessity of the production transfer to new competitive cultivation technologies has been substantiated as well as the science role in the innovative approaches to the certification.
Key words: nursery practice, scientific centres, innovations, planting trees, sanitation methods, testing, certification, in vitro propagation, clones.