Estimation of the sweet cherry elite forms and cultivars resistance to desiases
UDC 632.938.1.001.37:634.23
Estimation of the sweet cherry (Cerasus avium Moench.) elite forms and cultivars resistance to desiases / Nagorna L.V. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2016. – 71. – P. 97-103. – Refs.: 10. – in Ukrainian.
The author presents the results of the phytopatological estimation of the sweet cherry elite forms and cultivars resistance to diseases among which those immune to Coccomyces hiemalis Higg. and Monilia cinerea Bonord. Werenot detected. All researched cvs and forms may be considered susceptible to the first and resistant (Impuls, Moment, Spectr, Avangard, Vsplyesk, Udacha, Totem, Vypusknytsya, Era, Dilema, Start, Naslazhdyeniye, Efektna, Zodiak) and enduring (Plamyenaya, Chervneva Rannya, ChornaTurovtseva, Vnimaniye, Vydna, Oryflema) to the second mentioned disease.
1 Tabl., 2 Fig.
Key words: sweet cherry, Coccomyces hiemalis Higg., Monilia cinerea Bonord., elite forms, cultivars, affection of leaves, shoots, fruits, disease development.