Economic efficiency of the fruits and small fruits production in agricultural enterprises with different forms of managing
UDC 634.11:631.164
Economic efficiency of the fruits and small fruits production in agricultural enterprises with different forms of managing / Kostyuk L.A., Mamalyga I.I. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2016. – 71. – P. 180-188. – Refs.: 2. – in Ukrainian.
The authors have analysed the economic efficiency of the fruits and small fruits manufacturing in agricultural enterprises with different forms of managing. Among farms of different property and organizational forms farm companies distinguish themselves considerably according to the profitableness of the fruits production. This indicator was 74.2% in them in 2014. The high profitableness level in such companies provides the increase of the possibilities of using innovations through the extension of investments in the orchards establishment. That contributes significantly to the further horticulture development.
4 Tabl., 8 Fig.
Key words: horticulture, yield, economic efficiency, production, fruits, small fruits, agricultural enterprises.