Black currant sound plants selection to create the virus-free clones fund
UDC 634.72:632.38
Black currant (Ribås nigrum L.) sound plants selection to create the virus-free clones fund / Taranukho M.P., Kovalyshyna J.M. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2016. – 71. – P. 146-152. – Refs.: 6. – in Ukrainian.
The authors present the results of the selection of the blàck currant plants in order to create basic parental gardens. The viral diseases cucumber mosaic and Arabis mosaic virus spread was determined. The visual diagnosis and test on plants-indicators resulted in selecting virus-free clones of the researched crop cultivars (Kazkova, Raduzhna, Oriana, Yuvileina Koðanya, Verbna, Nimfa, Sanyuta, Sofiivs’ka, Vernisazh, Volodymyrs’ka, Chereshneva in order to establish basic and certified orchards. The external signs on naturally infected bushes and test-plants when infected artificially enabled to indentify the causative agent – the virus of cucumber mosaic.
1 Tabl., 2 Fig.
Key words: currant, cultivars, basic, biological testing, viral diseases, viral particles, plants-indicators, electronic microscopy.