Weather conditions effect on the formation of the apple fruits raw material properties
UDC 551.515:581.47:634.11/.12
Weather conditions effect on the formation of the apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) fruits raw material properties / Voitok T.I., Vintskovs’ka Y.Y. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 70. – P. 155-161. – Refs.: 9. – in Ukrainian.
The authors present the results of studying the year weather conditions effect on the apple fresh fruits raw material properties. For the experiment the apples of the cultivars Alyesya, Remo, Imant and Syabrina were selected (the Belarussian breeding). The content of dry soluble substances, organic titrated acids and sugars was determined in fresh raw materials as well as in the products of its processing, in particular, rest of moisture, dry matters in ready-made dried fruits, sugar-acid index in natural apple juice and the yield of ready-made products. By the complex of main quality values researched cvs are favourable for making dry fruits and natural apple juise.
Key words: apple fruits (fresh and dried), apple natural juice, organic substances content, taste evaluation, total amount of active temperatures above 10 ° C, precipitations.
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