Peculiarities of the basic processes and interactions of microbic communities in soil
UDC 579.26:631.46:574.24
Peculiarities of the basic processes and interactions of microbic communities in soil / Patyka T.I., Patyka N.V. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 70. – P. 161-169. – Refs.: 13. – in Russian.
The authors present the data of the basic peculiarities of the processes and interactions of microbial communities in the soil biome. Their functional livelihood appears to have a complex and diverse range of signaling mechanisms that influence the formation of the starting conditions, functions, responses of participants of the plant-microbial system. The group structure and functional orientation of soil microorganisms are changing under the influence of direct impacts (for example, climate change) and have a direct link with the composition of the species of plant populations, as well as land use. The evaluation of the rhizosphere soil environment, polymorphism and the level of the microbial groups interaction is essential for understanding and formation of plant-microbial communities and cenoses role in the ecosystem processes.
Key words: soil rhizosphere, its biology, plant-microbial interaction, polymorphism, cenose, soil microbial community.
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