Pear cultivars for modern orchards
UDC 631.5:634.12
Pear (Ðirus communis L.) cultivars for modern orchards / Tolstolic L.M. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 70. – P. 9-14. – Refs.: 11. – in Ukrainian.
The author presents the results of identifying the commercial value of pear cultivars for modern orchards taking their adaptivity, productivity, processability, and marketability into consideration. The research showed that under the soil and climatic conditions of the Ukraine’s Southern Steppe the key characteristics which effect to the greatest degree the formation of the cultivars competitive advantages are yield, mass of fruits, attractively of their appearance and storage capacity. Cultivars with the highest complex index of the commercial valuability (‘Pectoral’, ‘Victoria’, ‘Vesil’na’, ‘Katiusha’, ‘Yantarna’, ‘Maria’, ‘Kandidatka’) have been chosen and characterized briefly.
Key words: pear, cultivar, adaptivity, yield, processability, marketability, commercial value
2 Tabl.