Peach protection from spring frosts by means of the low-volume disperse sprinkling
UDC 364.1:631.674.5/632.111.5
Peach (Persica vulgaris Mill.) protection from spring frosts by means of the low-volume disperse sprinkling / Odintsova V.A., Sushko S.L. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 70. – P. 176-181. – Refs.: 14. – in Ukrainian.
The authors have developed the main components of the peach orchards anti-frost protection algorithm which is based on the complex of physiological and meteorological parameters, substantiated the positive experience of its by means of the low-volume disperse sprinkling during spring frosts and presented the technological parameters of managing the irrigation system while carrying out anti-frost watering. The adherence to the technological conditions of the irrigation system work prevents from breaking of main branches, contributes to the increase of generative buds tissue temperature and to the preservation of up to 50% of the future yield.
Key words: peach, spring frosts, low-volume disperse sprinkling, sensor, bud temperature.
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