Peach as an early bearing and high productive fruit crop
UDC 631.527:634.24:635.076
Peach (Persica vulgaris Mill.) as an early bearing and high productive fruit crop / Klochko N.M. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 70. – P. 35-40. – Refs.: 12. – in Ukrainian.
The study of 8 peach varieties bred by M.F.Sydorenko Melitopol’ Research Station of Fruit Growing in comparison with the widely spread ‘Sochny’ and ‘Redhaven’ has shown that new cultivars of this crop in the period of mass fruit-bearing under the favourable conditions of hibernation distinguish themselves for large-fruitedness (variability of the average fruit mass is 139.0-279.3 g), high yield (8.4-21.7 t/ha) and production profitableness (174.3-252.3%). Under the complex of characteristics cvs have been selected: Ivan Tupitsyn and Charivnyk (early-bearing), Vireneya (average), Zolotysty (late).
Key words: cultivar, fruits, ripening rate, yield, average mass, profitableness, competity.
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