Optimization of the sour cherry assortment for the creation of orchards in the conditions of the Ukraine’s Southern Steppe
Optimization of the sour cherry (Cerasus vulgaris Mill.) assortment for the creation of orchards in the conditions of the Ukraine’s Southern Steppe / Shkinder-Barmina A.M. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 70. – P. 15-21. – Refs.: 11. – in Ukrainian.
The author presents the results of studying sour cherry varieties bred at the Melitopol’ RSFG during 2004-2013 in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine namely: yield, fruit quality, resistance to unfavorable conditions of the winter period and fungous diseases. On the basis of the results generalization the best cultivars were selected that are recommended for cultivation in farm orchards: early ripening – Ozhidaniye, middle ripening - Griot Melitopols’ky, Vidrodzhennya, Shalunya, Vzglyad, late ripening – Vospominaniye, Igrushka, Solidarnist. The cherry - sweet cherry hybrid Siyanets Turovtsevoi (Turovtseva’s seedling) was entered to the “State Register Cultivars of Plant Favourable for Spreding in Ukraine” in 2014.
Key words: cherry, cultivar, yield, ripening terms, average fruit mass, resistance to fungous diseases.
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