Irrigation methods influence on the development of peach and apricot diseases
UDC 634.21/634.24 :632. 1/4: 631.67
Irrigation methods influence on the development of peach (Persica vulgaris Mill.) and apricot (Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.) diseases / Nagorna L.V. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 70. – P. 128-134. – Refs.: 9. – in Ukrainian.
The author presents the results of the multiyear study of the irrigation effect on the development of the main peach and apricot diseases. Various microirrigation methods have appeared to influence in different ways the spread of the apricot brown rot (the casual organism (c.o.) is Monilia cinerea Bonîrd (Her.) Sacc.), Gnomonia (c.o. ascomycetous fungus Gnomonia erithrostoma (Fr.) Auersw. F. armeniaca with the conidium form Septoria pallens Sacc.) and peach Clasterosporium (c.o. Clasterosporium carpophilum (Lev.) Aderhig). In the orchards with the combined irrigation microclimatic conditions for these diseases development are more favourable than in those with the under tree sprinkling, the indices of the pathogens development and spread rising to a greater degree (by 1.5-1.8 times) when using the first of the mentioned irrigation methods. The affection by the peach leaf curl (c.o. Taphrina deformans Tul.) and apricot monilial blight (c.o. Monilia cinerea Bonîrd (Her.) Sacc.) was not different significantly by the variants and was 24.1-26.4 and 7.5-10.0% respectively.
Key words: peach, apricot, monilia, Clasterosporium, Gnomonia, leaf curl, diseases spread and development.
3 Tabl.
Irrigation methods influence on the development of peach (Persica vulgaris Mill.) and apricot (Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.) diseases / Nagorna L.V. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 70. – P. 128-134. – Refs.: 9. – in Ukrainian.
The author presents the results of the multiyear study of the irrigation effect on the development of the main peach and apricot diseases. Various microirrigation methods have appeared to influence in different ways the spread of the apricot brown rot (the casual organism (c.o.) is Monilia cinerea Bonîrd (Her.) Sacc.), Gnomonia (c.o. ascomycetous fungus Gnomonia erithrostoma (Fr.) Auersw. F. armeniaca with the conidium form Septoria pallens Sacc.) and peach Clasterosporium (c.o. Clasterosporium carpophilum (Lev.) Aderhig). In the orchards with the combined irrigation microclimatic conditions for these diseases development are more favourable than in those with the under tree sprinkling, the indices of the pathogens development and spread rising to a greater degree (by 1.5-1.8 times) when using the first of the mentioned irrigation methods. The affection by the peach leaf curl (c.o. Taphrina deformans Tul.) and apricot monilial blight (c.o. Monilia cinerea Bonîrd (Her.) Sacc.) was not different significantly by the variants and was 24.1-26.4 and 7.5-10.0% respectively.
Key words: peach, apricot, monilia, Clasterosporium, Gnomonia, leaf curl, diseases spread and development.
3 Tabl.