Influence of the crown form on the sweet cherry trees productivity in the Ukraine’s Southern Steppe
UDC 631.542.3 : 634.1:631.559/634.23(477.7)
Influence of the crown form on the sweet cherry (Cerasus avium Moench.) trees productivity in the Ukraine’s Southern Steppe / Barabash T.N. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 70. – P. 77-84. – Refs.: 14. – in Ukrainian.
The sweet cherry orchards productivity in the Ukraine’s Southern Steppe depends to a considerable degree on the weather conditions, biological peculiarities of cultivars, crown form and preservation of generative buds. The multi year researches have shown that the trees of the three this crop studied cultivars grafted on mahaleb seedlings with the bushlike crown form overgrown with bouquet twigs by 2 times more actively than those with the traditional, thinned out story one. As a result the beginning of their fruit-bearing accelerates by two years and the orchards productivity increases by 1.8 times. It is confirmed by the significant correlation dependance (r= 0.893±0.0011) and lager specific load with yield (by 58% more) on a unit of the cross-sectional area and crown projection without reduce of the fruits quality. Dense bushlike crown must be pruned with light funnel creation.
Key words: sweet cherry, crown form, bouquet twig, flowering, ovary, productivity.
1 Tabl., 1 Fig.