Influence of crown formation methods on qualitative parameters of the one-year plum planting trees growth
UDC 634.22 : 631. 542. 3 : 631. 547. 2 / 631. 53.03
Influence of crown formation methods on qualitative parameters of the one-year plum (Prunus domestica L.) planting trees growth / Kinash G.A. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 70. – P. 64-69. – Refs.: 9. – in Ukrainian.
On the basis of studying (2010-2012) methods of mechanical and chemical stimulation of branching of one-year planting trees of poorly branching plum varieties, the author has chosen the combined apical leaves topping and arbolin application. Thanks to this complex method the amount of lateral shootsin the crown increased by 33%, angle of their divergence by 40%, and the leaf surface by 31% as compared to the top pinching. At the same time the decrease of the average and summary length of the increation by two times was observed.
The introduced method of crowning contributed to the increase of the yield of standard (State Standard DSTU 4938:2008) one-year old plum planting trees with branched crown by 1.5 times (51.5 thousand trees/ha), most of them being of the first grade.
Key words: plum, planting trees, quality, crowning, pinching, branching, arbolin.
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