Impact of the foliar feeding on the biometric indicators of hazelnut layers grown in a mother garden of the vegetative propagation in the vertical way
UDC 58.087:631.53.03:634.54
Impact of the foliar feeding on the biometric indicators of hazelnut (Corylus maxima Mill.) layers grown in a mother garden of the vegetative propagation in the vertical way / Yaremko N.O. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 70. – P. 115-122. – Refs.: 5. – in Ukrainian.
Mineral nutrition is one of the main agrochemical processes directed to the management of the plants growth and development in order to manufacture products, in particular, high quality planting stock.
The author presents the results of researching hazelnut plants spray nutrition with applying different carbamide concentrations combined with the 0.1% potassium sulfate in a mother gardenof the vegetative propagation (1.5x0.3 m), the vertical way of growing being used. The layers height and diameter have appeared to depend on spray doses. The best concentration have beenchose for the investigatigated cultivars. The optimum spray nutrition doze for all explored cvs has been determined avaragely for the research years, namely: 1% carbamide with 0.1% potassium sulfate.
Key words: hazelnut, standard layers, height, diameter, spray nutrition, carbamide, potassium sulfate, mother garden, vegetative propagation.
2 Tabl.