Fruit crops microirrigation regime in the South of Ukraine
UDC 634.1:631.67 (477.7)
Fruit crops microirrigation regime in the South of Ukraine / Gorbach M.M., Kozlova L.V. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 70. – P. 122-128. – Refs.: 9. – in Ukrainian.
The field experiments have shown that negative influence of the weather conditions upon the soil water regime in peach and apple orchards decreases by the use of microirrigation, due to which a humidity of 70-80% of field capacity is maintained in the root layer. The microirrigation effectiveness and tree fruit yield increase were observed when using the calculation method of irrigation terms and amounts assignment, as it provides optimum soil water regime. More effective was the regime with the assignment based on the difference between the calculated evaporability (E) and precipitations amount (O): in peach orchards – 100% (E-O), in apple ones – 90% (E-O).
Key words: microirrigation, peach, apple, southern chernozem, soil humidity, evaporability, irrigation regime and effectiveness.
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