Estimation of the inland stone fruit crops orchards phytovirological state
UDC 634.20:632.3:551.581.2
Estimation of the inland stone fruit crops orchards phytovirological state / Vasyuta S.O., Tryapitsyna N.V., Udovychenko K.M. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 70. – P. 192-197. – Refs.: 6. – in Ukrainian.
The authors present the results of checking samples of stone fruit crops and their clonal rootstocks from different regions of Ukraine on the latent virus-carrying by means of the immune-ferment analysis andindicator (Prunus serrulata Shirofugen). The considerable spread of in the mentioned crops viruses orchards was revealed and dominating pathogens fixed. The immunediagnosis has shown that it is the samples from the Artemivs’k Research Station of Nursery Practice underwent the greatest infection (68%), and among the crops cherry (85,7%). Besides, the difference as concerns the degree of infecting certain crops by the viruses of ringspots which influence economic indices was determined when growing cultivars of different resistance.
Key words: viral diseases, stone fruit crops, spread, diagnosis, immune-ferment analysis, testing.