Estimation of the apple elIte forms
UDC 634.11: 631.527: 632.4
Estimation of the apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) elite forms / Boldyzheya L.D., Kitayev O.I. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 70. – P. 5-9. – Refs.: 5. – in Ukrainian.
In the years 2009 2014 8 winter apple elite forms (16-39-17, 17-5-155, 16-8-95, 17-6-56, 16-10-86, 16-21-55, 16-87-22, 16-64-265) have been selected that combine high stable yield, marketability, taste qualities, durable storage term, winter-hardiness with the possibility of growing trees according to intensive technologies. The important thing is that four of those forms are scab immune, 17-5-155 has a field resistance to it and most of the forms are powdery mildew resistant. This makes it possible to obtain ecologically pure products and reduce the environment contamination. In the future the best of them will be registered as the cultivars to be grown in Ukraine.
Key words: apple, elite forms, yield, cultivar, winter-hardiness, marketability.
3 Tabl.