Determining the soil provision with macroelements accessible for plants and regulation of the fruit trees mineral nutrition
UDC 631.4:634.1:577.118+62-5/549:631.52
Determining the soil provision with macroelements accessible for plants and regulation of the fruit trees mineral nutrition / Malyuk T.V., Pcholkina N.G. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 70. – P. 106-115. – Refs.: 13. – in Ukrainian.
The authors have proved the expediency of using the complex of diagnostic parameters which stipulate taking into consideration real fruit crop requirements in nutrition by means of the control over the activity of the physiological and biochemical processes, simplify carrying out the analytical activity concerning the determination of the soil and plants provision with nutritive elements, make it possible to forecast the changes of different nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium forms in time in the soil and leaves of trees in order to influence promptly the apple and pear mineral nutrition. The designed complex methods of the plant and soil diagnostics enable to establish optimal systems of fertilizing pome crop intense orchards in the conditions of the Ukraine’s South, that is – such combination of doses, terms and methods of fertilizer application that provides maintaining a certain level of indexes of mineral regime of the soil and photosynthetic activity of the leaves in order to achieve planned level of crop yield.
Key words: plant and soil diagnosis, mineral nutrition, optimal fertilizing system, intense orchards apple, pear.
1 Tabl., 2 Fig.