Apricot cultivars bred at the Melitopol’ RSFG for the productional orchards in the Ukraine’s Southern Steppe
UDC 634.21/634.1:631.527(477.7)
Apricot (Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.) cultivars bred at the Melitopol’ RSFG for the productional orchards in the Ukraine’s Southern Steppe / Dunayeva L.I. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 70. – P. 28-34. – Refs.: 10. – in Ukrainian.
The author presents the results of the studying new apricot cultivars bred at the of Melitopol’ RSFG on the complex of economic and biological characteristics, namely: generative buds winter-hardiness, resistance of buds, flowers and ovaries to spring frosts, Monilia, ripening rates, yield and fruits quality. Cvs have been selected of the ultra early, early, early-middle and middle-late maturity terms that displayed to the greatest degree their biological potential of productivity and fruit quality in the Ukraine’s Southern Steppe - Kumir, Yuvileiny, Fedchenkovoi, Dar Melitopolya, Tashchenaks’ky and Sadovy. Their introduction into production will make it possible to obtain high marketable and high taste production and prolong the period of the researched crop fruits consumption as fresh.
Key words: apricot, cultivar, yield, fruit mass, resistance to diseases, winter-hardiness.
Tabl., 5 Fig.