Application of the preparation “Teravet” for the establishment of apple orchards
UDC 631.423.2: 631.8: 634.11
Application of the preparation “Teravet” for the establishment of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) orchards / Zhuk V.M., Kozak V.M., Morgun O.V., Yaroshchuk I.E. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 70. – P. 134-143. – Refs.: 12. – in Ukrainian.
The authors have elucidated the problem of water preservation and safe for the environment use of mineral fertilizers determined the measures that enable to solve this problem partially, substantiated the expediency of the preparation “Teravet” use for the establishment of apple intense orchards and presented the results of the experimental researches as for the influence of this preparation as well as of organic and different dozes of main mineral fertilizers on the actual acidity, field moisture, content of easily accessible forms of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in soil and on growth indicators in apple trees: Preliminary conclusions have been made concerning the “Teravet” effect on the above mentioned indices in the year of the orchards planting.
Key words: mineral nutrition, water preservation, synthetic supersorbent, trees state, biometric values.
7 Tabl.