Apple fruits storeability under the conditions of the common freezed fruit store
UDC 634.11.12:621.796
Apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) fruits storeability under the conditions of the common freezed fruit store / Shevchuk L. M., Babenko S.M. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 70. – P. 149-155. – Refs.: 3. – in Ukrainian.
The authors have researched the storeability of the fruits of the apple winter cultivars Garant, Ranette Symyrenka, Gala, Champion, Mutsu, Gloster and Elise in the conditions of the common freezed fruit store. The temperature regime has been determined that contributes to prolonging the apples storage term ensuring well the preservation of their consuming physical and marketable qualities. Among investigated cvs the fruits of Mutsu and Gloster possess the best storeability potential whereas those of Champion the lowest one. The cultivars have been determined with apples which are susceptible to physiological decays, among them, to withering, pit and skin browning.
Key words: apple fruits, storage, common freezed fruit store, quality, marketability, biochemical composition.