Agrobiological indexes of apple varieties depending on a rootstock in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine
UDC 631.52:634.11[631.541.1(477.7)
Agrobiological indexes of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) varieties depending on a rootstock in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine / Krasulya T.I. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2015. – 70. – P. 41-46. – Refs.: 6. – in Ukrainian.
The author presents the results of studying apple cultivars on the dwarf rootstock M. 9 and meddle one MM. 106 in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. Cvs have been selected that form high yield in the account for 1 ha of an orchard, 10 cm2 of the trunk cross section, 1 m2 of the crown projection and 1 m3 of its volume, the crown parameters not being large. The varieties raise the yield quickly and are high scab resistant. The cultivars Malakhit and Minkar (Melitopol’ RSFG) have appeared to distinguish themselves for a complex of valuable characteristics. The best cultivar-rootstock combinations have been singled out providing high yield level in production orchards Ranette Symyrenka on Ì. 9 and ÌÌ. 106, Malakhit and Pamyatne on Ì. 9, Minkar on MM. 106.
Key words: cultivar, variety, rootstock, growth, yield, scab, specific yield.
3 Tabl.