Influence of the light spectrum composition and elisitors on the strawberry microplants root formation and availability at the rooting in vitro and adaptation stages
UDC 581.1.043: 634.75: 581.143.6
Influence of the light spectrum composition and elisitors on the strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) microplants root formation and availability at the rooting in vitro and adaptation stages / Vysotsky V.A., Alyeksyeyenko L.V., Baulina L.V. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2012. – 66. – P. 322-329. – Refs.: 11 . – in Russian
The investigations are devoted to the influence of light spectrum composition and elisitors (Emistim, Arachidonic acid and Ecost 1/3) on the sterile culture root formation and strawberry microplantlets availability at the rooting in vitro and adaptation stages. The results of the experiments have shown that exposure of strawberry microplantlets in vitro by luminescent lamps with increased exposure in red and blue spectra promotes significantly increasing of rooting per cent at the rhizogenesis stage. That enables to reduce this stage duration in vitro. Adding the arachidonic acid into the culture medium at a rate of 10-7M induces the strawberry microplantlets root growth.
2 Tabl., 3 Fig.