Peculiarities of the fruit and small fruit crops orchards hibernation in 2011-2012
UDC 581.14: 634.1: 631.165: 632.111.5
Peculiarities of the fruit and small fruit crops orchards hibernation in 2011-2012 / Bublyk Ì.Î., Êytaev Î.²., Êryvoshapêà V.À., Pryimachuê L.S., Bàb³nà R.D., Dronyk N.²., Shakhnovych N.F., Òîlstol³ê L.Ì., Pàòyêà Ò.²., Êucher Ì.F., Chukhil S.Ì., Nastalenêî ².P., Gryzodub S.Ì., Ìîzhayevà L.L., Ìålnychuê G.V. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2012. – 66. – P. 287-295. – Refs.: 6. – in Ukrainian
The authors analyzed the peculiarities of the fruit and small fruit crops hibernation in 2011-2012. The low temperatures up to -28 … -33 degree Ñ appeared to damage severely apricot and peach generative organs, especially the two-, three- and multiyear wood of the latter in most of regions which resulted in the loss of separate trees.
3 Fig.