Peculiarties of the grape plant leaf functional activity depending on the enlightenment condions
UDC 634.8 [581.132+631.541.11]
Peculiarties of the grape (Vitis vinifera L.) plant leaf functional activity depending on the enlightenment condions / Shtirbu A.V. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2012. – 66. – P. 242-254. – Refs.: 22 . – in Russian
The author has researched the peculiarities of the grape plants (Vitis vinifera L.) leaves functional activity depending on the lighting conditions.. He has shown, that the grape plants during phylogeny, growing in forest communities, have attained high adaptability to different lighting conditions. In low light biosynthesis of plastid pigments is intensified, especially of thoes included in the light-harvesting complex that promotes the capture of photons scattered light and intensity of the photosynthetic apparatus. At the same time, in the low-light leaves, with an increase in the quantum yield of PS 2 (Fv / Fp) and the fluorescence quenching (Fp-Ft) / Ft, whep changing the lighting conditions are the proportion of acceptors Q-b nonreducing PS-2, is increasing participating in their repair. Possibly this connected with to the mechanisms of adaptation to the conditions of leaves illumination, alternating with long-term shading.
7 Fig.