Influence of the long-term fruit orchards growing upon the humus conditions of the Southern Ukraine soils
UDC 631.417.2:634.1(477.7)
Influence of the long-term fruit orchards growing upon the humus conditions of the Southern Ukraine soils / Malyuk T.V., Pcholkina N.G. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2012. – 66. – P. 155-161. – Refs.: 11. – in Ukrainian
The authors present the results of studying the changes in the organic substance content within zonal soils of the Ukraine’s South in the long-term fruit agrocoenosis. They have proved that changes of the humus quantity and supplies in the chernozem soil are caused by their mamage system, orchard growing term, fertilizers usage and irrigation level.
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