Topographic distribution of the imago of Grapholitha funebrana tr. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in the plum agrocoenosis under the conditions of the Northern Lisosteppe of Ukraine
UDC 1-1:595.78:634.22:551.581.2
Topographic distribution of the imago of Grapholitha funebrana tr. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in the plum agrocoenosis under the conditions of the Northern Lisosteppe of Ukraine / Shevchuk I. V., Denysyuk O. F. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2012. – 66. – P. 131-140. – Refs.: 14 . – in Ukrainian
On the basis of the multiyear observations (2001-2010) of the Grapholitha funebrana fly seasonal dynamics three types of its seasonal population in the plum agrocoenosis were identified: high, low and standard. On their ground the horizontal studied population structuree was investigated. The minimum population was observed in the centre of the plum trees quarter section (averagely 572 ± 244 adults / season, the maximum one was in the southern part of the model area (1024 ± 259 adults/season). In the northern, western and eastern parts pheromone traps caught about 950 ± 201 adults/season.
2 Tabl., 4 Fig.