Biological preparations on the bacteria Bacillus sp. basis for the fruit, small fruit and decorative crops protection from diSeases
UDC 634.1:632.937.15
Biological preparations on the bacteria Bacillus sp. basis for the fruit, small fruit and decorative crops protection from diseases / Molchan O.V., Svyerchkova N.V., Kolomiyets E.I. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2012. – 66. – P. 115-120. – Refs.: 7. – in Russian
The authors demonstrated the perspectivenss of the plants protection biological method to reduce the pesticidal press under growing fruit,small fruit and decorative crops and present the data on the effective use of biological preparation Fruitin to control apple-trees scab and canker diseases of fruit crops. The application of the biopreparations Fruitin, Phyitoprotectin and Betaprotectin on bulbous and tuber bulbous floral cultures against the series of diseases, on pine varieties against diplodia blight, against brown spot of chestnut and black spot of maple promotes yields of ecosafe products and high-quality planting stock.