Microbiological method of the fruit and small fruit crops protection from leaf beetles insects as a factor of agroecosystem stabilization
UDC 632.937
Microbiological method of the fruit and small fruit crops protection from leaf beetles insects as a factor of agroecosystem stabilization / Patyka T.I., Grynyk I.V., Patyka M.V., Koshevsky I.I., Moskalevska Y.P. // Sadivnytstvo (Horticulture). – 2012. – 66. – P. 5-14. – Refs.: 12 . – in Ukrainian
The authors consider the scientific theoretical and practical approaches the efficient use of the microbiological methods of the fruit and small fruit crops protection from insects pests , with the participation of natural entomopathogenic bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis and have proved the expediency of application of the active producing strains of different biovariants and microbial products that are created on their basis. The biological efficiency microbiopreparations based BtH1 var. thuringiensis, BtH3 var. kurstaki and BtH10 var. darmstadiensis (producers Bitoxibacillin, Lepidocid, Bacikol) respectively against insects pests (apple-leaf moth, hawthorn leaf-roller moth, american white butterfly, strawberry and raspberry weevil) was 97-100%.