Weather changes monitoring and their influence on the cherry valuable breeding genetic fund productivity in the Lisosteppe OF UKRAINE
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2020-75-92-101
UDC 631.526.4:634.23
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st.,
e-mail: dar.iliencko@bigmir.net, a.trokhymchuk@ukr.net
The authors have researched the weather peculiarities of the years 2017-2019 and their influence on the formation and realization of the productivity potential of the valuable industrial inland and foreign cherry cultivars. According to the research results the unfavorable weather phenomena, including long air and soil droughts, late spring frosts, dry winds et. became more frequent considerably in the Ukraine’s Lisosteppe during the periods of flowering and infructescense.
The cherry trees ability to fructify sufficienly under a number of unfavourable environmental factors effects substantially this crop economic efficiency on the whole.
The investigations have revealed the essential cv impact on the amount and quality of the cherry fruits. The explored crop certain varieties plants in the collection of the genetic fund of the Institute of Horticulture (IH) of NAAS of Ukraine are characterized with the constant infructescense during the entire study period.
The following collection samples distinguished themselves (in the order of the improvement of the trait display): North Star’ < ‘Igrushka’ < ‘Favourite’ < ‘Meteor’ < ‘Malva’ < ‘Boguslavka’. The trees of the two latest cultivars (IH NAAS) formed very large fruits irrespective of the abiotic environmental factors influence.
‘Boguslavka’. Middle – ripening. Tree is middle – growing, the crown thick, orbicular, a little droop. Resistant to fungal diseases. Winter – hardy practically by all the components. Yield is high (t/ha under the planting plan 6x2,5 m on the seedling rootstock wild sweet cherry). The fruits are very large (7.6 g), dark red, oval, the separation from the fruit stem is dry. The stone is of more than middle size, the separation from the flesh easy. The consumption term is the first decade of July. The usage is universal.
‘Malva’. Middle – late ripening. The crown is branchy. Resistant to fungal diseases. Winter – hardy. The yield is up to 15 t/ha. The fruits are of more than middle size (4.2 g), dark red, the separation from the fruit stem is dry. The flesh is dark red, juicy. The stone is small (0.16 g). The taste qualities are as/follows: sour-sweet, the skin is astringe. The degustation evaluation is 7.7 points. The consumption term is the first decade of July.
Key words: cherry, cultivar, samples, genetic fund, weather phenomena.
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