Perspective varieties blackberry for growing under the conditions of the North-East Lisosteppe of Ukraine
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2020-75-217-221
UDC 634.717:631.526.32:631.5
T.V. RYBNA, Researcher Worker
Sumy Experimental Horticulture Station, NAAS of Ukraine, 41606, Sumy region, Konotop district, Maly Sambir, 1A, Tsentralna Str., e-mail: tatiana_rybka@ukr.net
Growing blackberries and raspberry is a very important issue today. More and more horticulturists want to have these crops in their orchards. Blackberry is useful because it contains a large number of vitamins, nutrients, and many acids. It belongs to the bushes that bloom for many years. Blackberry begins flowering early in summer and bloom until the heat. At the same time it gives much higher yield than raspberry. It has large and heavy juicy berries.
As compared to raspberry blackberry is more stable and durable. However, this plant requires more carefully and cautious care. It is one of the three world leaders after blueberry and raspberry in terms of the production growth,. There are about 300 varieties of cultivated blackberry, the best of which are English ones.
In order to select the best varieties for cultivation in the North-Eastern Lisosteppe of Ukraine the research was conducted on the basis of the Sumy Research Station of Horticulture IH NAAS.
It was possible to identify blackberry cvs that have certain advantages among other varieties in the list of the studied ones on the basis of phenological, quantitative and qualitative observations.
Thus, during 2 years of the investigations, one of such varieties was the blackberry one Natchez, which proved to be the best in the terms of quantity and quality, as well as resistance to diseases and pests. It can be recommended for growing in industrial and amateur orchards of the North-Eastern Lisosteppe of Ukraine. The morphology of Natchez makes it possible without distinction to distinguish the cv among other varieties. Concerning yield and fruit size, Natchez ranks first among other subjects in the region.
Key words: small fruit bushy crops, blackberry, raspberry, berries, cultivar, adaptation, Lisosteppe, indicators, ripeness, harvest.
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