Peculiarities of the Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees. seeds features of germination
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2020-75-157-166
UDC 635.9:582.991
M.P. Dragomanov Nattiomal Pedagogical University, Kyiv, 9, Pyrogov, e-mail: lagytenkoot@ukr.net
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st., e-mail: rudnik2015@ukr.net
The morphological peculiarities of the 10 Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees. cultivars (Anastasia, Angelina, Kirswell, Lybid, Oksana, Polina, Pryntsesa, Roksolana, Rozkishna, Rubinovyie Zviozdy, Yabluneva) of the different genetic origination and 10 hybrid forms (143-4, 151-4, 178-4, 193-3, 210-1, 256-4, 261-2, and 265s-2-1 bread at Institute of Horticulture of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine were analyzed in order to carry out the resultative selection of resistant cvs, preserve their genetic fund and enlarge the assortment of the floral and ornamental plants. The authors have, presented the results of studying the morphological peculiarities of the researched crop seeds, indices of their generation biology, seed productivity level of different varieties and hybrids. The obtained results confirm the high efficiency of the Calistephus chinensis (L.) Nees. cultivars and hubris forms seed reproduction. The tendency has been detected of the increase of the average mass of 1000 seeds of cvs and hybrids of the flowering late terms. The hybrid form 210-1 distinguished it self for the highest respective index (2.75 g), the variety Rubinovyie Zviozdy had the lowest one (1.59 g).Yabluneva and 210-1 had the largest seeds linear size. According the average indicators of the seed vigour and germination rate the group of the cultivars and hybrids of the early bloom term exceeds considerably the rest of cvs and hybrid forms. The indices of the seed laboratory germination rate correlate with those of the germination vigour. Among the varieties of the average and Yabluneva distinguish them selves for the high seed material sowing qualities and have appeared the most perspective for the effective reproduction. The Calistephus chinensis (L.) Nees. plants seed productivity depends substantially the cultivar peculiarities and foreign cv Kirbiwell has distinguished itself for this high indicator (5.8 g/bush) when sowing in the sheltered ground under the constitution of the collectional patch of/the Laboratory of the Floral, Ornamental and Medicinal Crops of IH NAAS.
Key words: cultivar, hybrid form, seed vigour, laboratory germination rate seed productivity, morphological peculiarities.
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