Peculiarities of the biochemical composition of the fruits of the cultivars of sea buckthorn bred at the Institute of Horticulture
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2020-75-150-157
UDC 634.7:543.38
I.V. GRYNYK, Academician, Doctor
Institute of Horticulture NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st., e-mail: zberig@ukr.net
S.M. CHMYR, Doctor
State Enterprise ‘Agronomia’ IH of NAAS of Ukraine, 55353, Mykolaiv region, Arbuzinsky district, Agronomia, 1, Park, st.
The analytical researches of sea buckthorn 3 cultivar ad 11 hybrid forms showed that it was cv Oliana that had the largest fruit mass (0,7). The berries of the variety Osoblyva and hybrid 1-15-3 had the maximum part of non-soluble organic substances (at a levil of 24.7 and 25.6 % respecti vely). The largest amount of dry soluble substances (13.1 %) during the growth and development period was accumulated by the fruits of the hydrid forms 1-15-8c and 1-15-2a and 1-15-2. The berries of the cultivars Osoblyva and Adaptyvna contained the largest (6.2 and 5.8 % respectively) number of sugar while those of most of studied forms had 3.0 %. The organic acid content in the ‘Oliana’ fruits was 2.77 %. That is less than the hybrids by 1.53 %. The pectins amount in the berries did not exceed 0.51 % of the total number and 0.44 % of the protopectine content/ The ascorbic acid maximum (over 15 mg/100 g) was accumulated by the fruits of the variety Adaptyvna and hybrid 1-5-30 and 1-5-15, The mentioned cultivar included the largest polyphenols amount (379 mg/100 g).
According to the organoleptic physical and biochemical indicators the ‘Oliana’ fruits were recognized the most favourable for freezing and storage in the frozen state among the studied cvs.
Key words: sea buckthorn fruits, dry matter, organic acids, sugars, vitamin C, freezing.
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