Peculiarities of functioning of the plum perspective culti-vars and forms trees leaves photosynthetic apparatus
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2020-75-137-145
UDC 634.22:631.526.32:581.132.1:631.55
V.V. FILIOV, Director
L.P. Symyrenko Research Station of Pomology of the Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, Mliiv, Cherkasy region, e-mail: mliivis@ukr.net
V.M. VASIUTA, Doctor
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23 Sadova st., е-mail: v.kryvoshapka@ukr.net
The influence of the photosynthetic apparatus on the formation of the economic and biological traits of the plum 13 cultivars and 10 elite forms of different ripening terms was evaluated at the L.P. Symyrenko Research Station of Pomology and in the Laboratory of the Plant Physiology and Microbiology of the Institute of Horticulture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine. Those cvs and forms were bred inland and abroad. The morphological physiological indicators – the leaf blade surface, specific leaf surface density, content of water as well as of the chlorophylls a and b were used in order to analyze the leaf apparatus organization. The close correlation was revealed of pigments amount variability and above mentioned chlorophylls ratio, on the one hand, and negative correlation (r = -0,85) between chlorophyll b content and ratio of the both mentioned chlorophylls, on the other hand. That confirms the high adaptive capacity and regulatory possibilities of the plum trees leaves chloroplasts pigment systems concerning the light regime changes in the crown. The researches have shown that the correlation between the water content and leaf surface (r = 0,35) is not significant. Thus, leaves with the more intensive metabolism are characterized with somewhat strained water homeostasis. During the investigations years in the group of the early ripening the varieties Oda and Herman distinguish themselves for the highest yield (13,68 t/ha and 14,03 t/ha respectively), among middle-ripening the cultivars Cacakska Najbolia (17,57 t/ha), Yantarna Mliivska (17,40 t/ha), Zamanchyva (15,89 t/ha) and the hybrid form № 12516 (15,66 t/ha), late-ripening cv Bluefree (16,35 t/ha) and the hybrid № 8124 (Prestige – 16,18 t/ha) under the similar cultivation conditions.
Key words: plum, cultivar, hybrid form, leaf, chlorophylls, water content, yield.
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