Evaluation of drough-resistance of the red and white currаnt varieties by the method of the tissues electric conductivity determination
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2020-75-191-196
UDC 634.722:631.526.32:581.1
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23 Sadova st., e-mail: yantereshchenko@gmail.com, yareshchenko_a@ukr.net
Red and white currants are characterized with the high adaptability to growing conditions such as soils, temperatures in the cold season, insolation. However, the important factor influencing the formation of high quality crop is the water regime. The climate of Ukraine is changing, that causes an uneven distribution of temperatures and precipitations during the growing season. As a result, there are periods of prolonged droughts with temperatures above +35 °С. In such periods, are observed the appearance of the sun-burn spots on the leaves and berries mass loss and as well loss of 50 % of the crop due to fruit falling. Therefore, it is important to establish experimentally the level of the red and white currants drought-resistance in order to create industrial plantations in the Western Lisosteppe of Ukraine.
The research was conducted at the Institute of Horticulture (NAAS) in the red and white currants plantations in 2010-2012 and 2018. The objects of the investigation were 18 varieties and 4 promising hybrid forms. For studying the vs drought-resistance, leaves were selected from the annual shoots in the most drought periods of June and July. The relative electrical conductivity and its change were determined by means of the conductivity meter E 7-13. The measurements were carried out after 1 and 4 hours of exposure of the diffused sunlight. The electrical conductivity changes were determined as a percentage of baseline values.
The analysis of the obtained data shows that electrical conductivity level of the red and white currant leaf apparatus at the beginning of the exposure and dynamics reduction of this indicator has a clear varietal specificity and can be used successfully to diagnose the plants` state in the plantations in droughty periods. The results of the stimulated drought enable to divide the 22 studied objects according to the results into several groups that differ concerning the drought resistance level. Thus, the significant resistance to drought potential is characteristic of the variety Svyatomykhailivska and hybrid form 85-1-5. The vs and hybrid forms Baiana, Dar Orla, Darnytsia, Rosynka, Uliublena, Svitlytsia, Uralskaia Belaia, 85-6-25, 83-28-9, 85-1-5 are drought-resistant. Bielka, Vatra, Gazelle, Dana, Orlovskaia Zviezda, Vyborova, Lasunia and Asia are medium drought-resistant.
Key words: red and white currant, variety, electrical conductivity, drought-resistance.
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