Environmentally safe measures for regulating the number of harmful organisms in peach orchards
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2020-75-120-126
UDC 632.9:634.2
L.V. NAGORNA, PhD, Senior Research Worker
I.V. YUDYTSKA, Junior Research Worker
M.F. Sydorenko Melitopol Research Fruit Growing Station of IH of NAAS of Ukraine, 72311, Melitopol, 99, Vakulenchuk St., e-mail: iosuaan@zp.ukrtel.net
According to the results of the researches in 2016-2018, the display terms and intensity of the major peach diseases development changes from year to year and depends mainly on the weather conditions that in the south of Ukraine are favorable for the mass spread and development of Taphrina deformans Tull., Clacterosporium carpophilum (Lev.) Aderh. and Monilia cinerea Bonord. The leaves affection by Taphrina damage appeared to be 35.0-56.3 %, the intensity of the disease development being 22.4-23.4 %; Clacterosporium – 16.5 and 5.4 %, Monilia – up to 15.0 %.
When studying the species composition of the peach entomocomplex, 6 major pests were detected among insects as follows: Anarsia lineatella Zell., Archips rosana L., Grapholitha molesta Busck, Lithocolletis cerasicolella H.S, Sciaphobus squalidus Gyll. and Brachycaudus tragopogonis Kalt. Lepidoptera prevailes (67 %) among them. Other species of pests (17 %) belong to the rows Coleoptera and Homoptera.
The complex application of the chemical (Bordeaux Isagro, 20 % Copper Sulphate, 5.0 kg/ha) and a mixture of the biological preparations (Trichodermin, 2.0 l/ha, Planriz, 1.0 l/ha, Pentofag, 5.0 l/ha, Gaupsin, 3.0-5.0 l/ha, Lepidocide, 10 l/ha) at the beginning of the bud swell, and before and after the peach flowering, proves to protect reliably the orchards against harmful organisms. The technical efficiency of the above mentioned preparations against the main diseases and dominant pests 63.0-89.0 and 50.0-94.0 % respectively.
Key words: peach, diseases, pests, spreading, harmfulness affection, damage, development, spraying of the plants, technical efficiency, biological and chemical preparations.
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