Economic efficiency of the bioprepations application when goosberry under the conditions of the Ukraine`s Lisosteppe
DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2020-75-184-190
UDC 631.95:632.937:634.725
Institute of Horticulture, NAAS of Ukraine, 03027, Kyiv-27, 23, Sadova st., е-mail: onbt@ukr.net
In the conditions of the Ukraine`s Lisosteppe the efficiency of the researched biological protection means Trichodermin, Planryz, Pentafag and Gaupsin in dejecting the development of and septoria spot in the gooseberry orchards appeared to depend both on the experimental preparations and cultivar peculiarities. The cv Svarog biological resistance to powdery mildew proved higher as compared to “Tiasmyn” on the background of the protective treatments with biological preparations.The development of on the variety “Tiasmyn” varied from 24.4 to 31.1 % and on “Svarog” from 12.7 to 17.6 %. The preparation Gaupsin turned on more efficient against diseases in comparison with the other biological preparations during all the research years. The economic evaluation showed that in the “Tiasmyn” orchards in the variants with using the biopreparations the production costs per ha rose by 9.6 - 13.0 %, including the plants protection by 1.9-1.7 % as compared to the control but thanks to the yield increase by13.8-20.0 % the profit was higher by 17.6-26.3 %. The most effective variant in this cultivar protection system was the preparation Gaupsin utilization – the rate of return cost recovery was 225 %. The profit per hectare in the above mentioned treatment rose to 129.6 thousand grn under a profitableness level of 124.1 %. The cultivar “Svarog” was characterized with the lower yield than “Tiasmyn” in all the variants. As a result the profit and profitableness rise of the economic efficiency indices in the treatments with the biopreparations usage in comparison with the control (as a result of the yield increase by 19.6-25.4 % the profit rose by 22.7-35.1 %). When applying Gaupsin the highest rate of return cost recovery of the additional costs, profit per hectare and profitableness level were achieved – 230.9 %, 120.8 thousand grn and 119.4 % respectively. The obtained results enable to recommend Gaupsin as an element of the gooseberry orchards protection from the main diseases in the Ukraine`s Lisosteppe.
Key words: gooseberry, biological preparations, crop, economic efficiency.
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