DOI: 10.35205/0558-1125-2020-75-18-31
UDC 577.11 : 634.10
V.M. YEZHOV, I.V. GRYNYK, Academicians of NAAS of Ukraine, Doctors, Professors
Institute of Horticulture (NAAS of Ukraine), 03027, Kyiv-27, Sadova str., 23, e-mail: ezhow.valeriy@gmail.com
The autors have studied the present day level of the biochemical investigates of the genus Rubus L.and Ribes L. fruits – raspberry, blackberry, black and red currant and goosberry. The indicators of the berries biochemical composition accepted in the inland practice from the viewpoint of their dietary, medicinal and profilactic qualities evaluation have appeared less informative and require futher essential research. The expansion of the analytical methods range hase been proposed on the basis of the analysis of the data base concerning the content and individual composition of the biologically active substances in the berries of enumerated five small fruit crops in order to be applied in the process of breeding expljrations. Thus it is unsaturated fatty acids that dominate in the raspberries seeds and up to 90 % of them are linoleic and linolenic acids.Contrary to them, the blackberries are more rich in tocopherols and sterols. The largest information characterizing the species specificity of the genus studied is data on the phenolic substances content and composition. In particular, the individual composition of anthocyanins in the berries of the researched crops is a clear strain of them. There are also certain differences as for the other phenolic compounds. For instance, 90% of phenolic acids in the raspberries are concentrated in free form, while the blackberries there are only 3% and the rest are glicosides and esters. A clear difference concerning flavonols content and composition can be traced among the goosberry cultivars, depending of the berries color. The characteristic sign of the currants berries is presence in them such components as floridzhyne and elagic acid. It is also important to characterize the volatile compounds in the investigated crops berries, such as aldehydes and terpenoides raspberry and furan derivates in blackberries.Based on the analysis of the database on the content and individual composition of biologically active substances of five types of berry crops, it is proposed to extend the analytical methods used during breeding operations, to determine the composition and amount of fatty acids, carotenoids, tocopherols, sterols, volatile compounds during breeds, as well as phenolic substances, in the sum and content and composition of anthocyanins, flavonols, flavan-3-ols, phenolic acid, procyanidines, halkons, ellagic acid and elagotannins.
Key words: berry, genus Rubus L. and Ribes L., biochemical composition, biologically active substances, breeding, analitical methods.
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